Master Chem Oil supports sustainable value in everything it does and undertakes.
We are committed to creating sustainable value both for ourselves and for the value chain formed by our employees, business partners and the local community, while also considering the environment and minimising negative impact.
We will always aim for our entire value chain and all processes to be rooted in sustainable economics and all products to be sources responsibly.
We are committed to a culture of compliance and ethics as we follow all applicable laws and regulations in places where we operate. Where legislation does not exist, we will apply appropriate ethical standards.
We promote personal accountability and expect law-compliant behavior from all our employees, contractors, and suppliers.
We integrate high standards across all our business activities and always aim to ensure that our services and products are delivered in a way that promotes business integrity.
We develop open and trusting relationships with our suppliers and we will always aim to partner with sustainable providers and companies.
We leverage our expertise and keep pace with emerging technologies and trends to strengthen our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) demands on business.
The latest generation technologies allow us to optimize the loading/unloading process both by rail and car, thus reducing fuel consumption during the loading/unloading period and implicitly reducing the noxes emitted into the environment. The company has a system for recovering gasoline vapors, so that they do not reach the environment. We also have a portable monitoring station that checks the hourly average concentration of the vapors emitted every 15 minutes. The modern loading/unloading and total security systems ensure maximum protection for the employees engaged in these processes.
We will always strive to offer innovative products that remain highly efficient, and we will promote awareness of our sustainability objectives among all our suppliers.
We understand our role in society to ensure that our employees, customers, and the wider society are not harmed by our operations. Therefore, we assign the highest priority to the health, safety and welfare of our employees and contractors, who remain at the heart of everything we do.
We recognise the importance and work of our employees, and we are committed to providing clean and safe working conditions for them as well as ensuring that they are always treated with dignity and respect of all internationally recognised human rights. In addition, we always strive to offer fair wages.
We will not tolerate any kind of harassment, intimidation, hostility or bullying in the workspace.
We are committed to working locally to promote environmental improvements in the communities we do business. We do so by following recycling rules everywhere possible as well as raising employee awareness to impact the environment in a good way.
We set these targets to achieve continuous improvement at Master Chem Oil and we will always try to do our best to base our actions on these sustainability principles to foster a viable future for our company and the world at large. We expect full support of all employees, contractors, and suppliers in our drive for sustainable transformation.